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Exchange Setup: Android Mobile Devices

How to Setup Exchange on Android Mobile Devices

Screenshots (click to enlarge)
Steps 3-4
Steps 3 - 4
Step 5
Step 5
Steps 6-10
Steps 6 - 10
Step 11
Step 11
Steps 12-13
Steps 12 - 13
Steps 15-16
Steps 15-16

You will need your Microsoft Exchange Server, full email address, and your email password. You can find these settings by logging into your Mail Central under 'Exchange Setup'.

  1. Go to the Email app on your phone.
  2. If you have already set up another email account, create a new one. If you have not already set up an email account on your phone, you are automatically prompted to create a new one.
  3. Enter your Exchange Mailbox Address and Password.
  4. Click Manual Setup.
  5. Click Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.
  6. Enter your Domain\Username (how do I find this).
  7. Enter your Exchange Mailbox Password.
  8. Enter your Microsoft Exchange Server address.
  9. Make sure Use Secure Connection (SSL) is checked.
  10. Click Next.
  11. Click OK to accept any activation and security prompts that appear.
  12. Configure your account options as desired.
  13. Click Next.
  14. Depending on the security prompts that appeared in step 11, you may be asked to activate a device administrator. Click Activate to accept it.
  15. Enter a name for the email account (optional, has no effect on your connection).
  16. Click Done.

How to Find the DomainName\Username Setting

Some mail applications on Android mobile devices may require an additional 'Domain\Username' setting. Follow these steps to satisfy that requirement:

  1. Go to Mail Central.
  2. Select your Exchange mailbox.
  3. Select Exchange Setup.
  4. Look under Your Exchange Server Information and use the following formula to find out what to put in for your 'domain\username' setting:
    Microsoft Exchange Server
    • Same as the Microsoft Exchange Server, but without the first portion (exchange2013.sh11.lan)
    • A backslash '\'
    • First (up to 10) letters of the domain used by the email address (info@your-domain.com)
    • A period '.'
    • First (up to 9) letters of the email address before the '@' symbol (info@your-domain.com)

Important: If your domain has less than 10 letters (such as 'example.com'), only include the portion that comes before the top-level domains (TLDs) (such as 'example.com').

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