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Account: How to Transfer Account Ownership

As the account owner, you can easily transfer ownership of your account onto another person. All it requires is changing several key pieces of information that we use to identify the account owner.

  1. Update Account Information
  2. Update Security Questions
  3. Update or Remove Payment Information
  4. Update the Contact Email Addresses
  5. Update the Account Password

Important: If you update the account with incorrect information, it could significantly complicate the new owner's ability to take ownership over the account. Take extra care to ensure that you are providing accurate information. See our troubleshooting section for special cases.

How to Update Account Information and Update Security Questions

Updating the Primary Account (Legal Owner)

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Change Account Info.
  3. Click Edit under the Primary Account Information.
  4. Edit the account information as desired.
  5. Click Update.

Updating Secondary Accounts

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Change Account Info.
  3. Click Edit for the secondary user.
  4. Edit the account information as desired.
  5. Click Continue.
  6. You will be presented with a survey. You can fill out the survey or simply return to the Control Panel.

Update Security Questions

Changing a Security Question

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Set Security Question.
  3. Click Existing Profile and select which profile's security question you want to edit. If you do not see any existing profiles to edit, it means that there are currently no security questions on file and you will need to create a New Profile.
  4. Change your security question and answer as desired.
  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Security Question

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Change Account Info.
  3. Click Delete for the secondary user.
  4. The secondary user is deleted along with their associated security question.

Important: Deleting all secondary users will remove all security questions from your account.

How to Update or Remove Payment Information

Changing to New Payment Information

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Update Billing Info.
  3. Update your Credit Card and/or PayPal information as desired.
  4. Click Submit Credit Card Update or Submit PayPal Update.

Removing Payment Information

You will not be able to remove your payment information through the Control Panel. Please contact us to remove your payment information for you.

How to Update the Contact Email Addresses

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Change Email Addresses.
  3. Change the administrative, billing, technical, and external email addresses as desired.
  4. Click Save Changes.

How to Update the Account Password

Complete details on changing your password can be found here: Account: How To Change Your Account Password.

  1. Log in to your Control Panel.
  2. Go to Change Password.
  3. Enter and confirm a new password.
  4. Click Change Password.

Special Cases for Transferring Ownership

Death of the Original/Current Owner

In the event of the death of the original owner of an account or the registrant of the domain name, and you have the legal authority to manage the decedent's estate, please go to the Ownership page and submit the following documents: 

  • A copy of your government-issued photo identification;
  • A copy of the customer or registrant's death certificate; and
  • Legal documentation indicating you should have control of the account or domain(s) (e.g., Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administration, or Letters of Representation).

Your communication should also include either the original owner's account name or domain name so that the account can be identified as well as your contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address.

Changing Ownership Policy

There are several instances where you may experience difficulty accessing your account. Such situations include forgetting a username or password during the login process, or when ownership has changed from an account's original owner to another party. Listed below are some common examples of when these situations might occur, and what to do to regain access to an account.

Owner Forgot Login Username or Password

If the current owner of an account forgets their username or password login details for their account, they should use the Forgot Username or Password link on the login page. For more information on the process of requesting this information, please refer to the Account Password knowledgebase article. If the current owner is unable to receive a new password due to a different email address being on file for their account, the owner should contact us by phone to complete verification of identity so the email address may be updated.

Original Owner is Unavailable or Does Not Agree to Transfer Ownership

If the current, original owner of an account cannot be contacted by the person or party attempting to change ownership of the account to them, or if the original owner of an account does not agree to change ownership, then nothing further can be done through our part. It is our policy that we do not get involved with third party disputes.

At this point, legal action may be required to proceed with any ownership changes if the parties cannot come to an agreement. We will comply with a valid order issued by a court of competent jurisdiction to take any necessary action. Please email any such court order to legal@%%PropertyName%%-inc.com.

Verifying Your Identity

Verifying your identity by submitting government-issued identification to us is used in the event that all other options have been attempted. Please see the Ownership page which details what information you'll need to provide. If the account is owned by a business entity, please submit a current copy of one of the following government-issued documents showing the business entity's name and address:

  • Business license
  • Certificate of Incorporation
  • A 501(c)(3) letter from the IRS
  • Any other government-issued documentation of business ownership.

If the account is owned by you as an individual, please submit a current copy of a government-issued driver's license or identification card showing your name and address.